Friday, October 23, 2009

The Roadtrip Part 1

Things were slowly falling into place and starting to make a sense like a huge domino puzzle slowly revealing itself, as the days were getting slow and the clock became too lazy to move the time forward. Om came to the conclusion it was about time to set the American roads on fire....and rented a car Pontiac GP.

The Destination:

Om the unlicensed driving maniac brought the car home on a chilly Friday night…. And out of the blue a brilliant idea landed a knockout punch on the seemingly never-ending boredom of a long semester, the stage was set for a Road Trip. The excitement on the prospect of a road trip drowned everyone’s minds to such an extent that the most important part; a destination was forgotten, which dawned on Om as would a splash of ice cold water on a sleeping person and to his unpleasant surprise he was met with equally blank and bewildered faces staring at each other.

Even though Om was not prepared to deviate from his chain of thought about a long drive lasting more than 6 hours, his “courtesy” helped everyone to voice their opinions even though there was an aura in the air that they were not going to considered at all. Every one presented their own ideas, as Om tried to notice and narrow in on the ones which fit his list of requirements,

1. No closer than 6 hours of drive.
2. No closer than 6 hours of drive.
and finally the most important one
3. No closer than 6 hours of drive.

After much deliberation, a frustrated (Hangry = Hungry + Angry) Jhinga hit the shower and when he emerged, it was hard to ascertain whether it was him fuming or the steam. Ogo and Om noticed the emanating steam which reminded them to only one place which they had seen in many videos; the majestic and misty falls of the Niagara. a magical mist seemed to engulf everybody, this mist was nothing but the same mist which existed in the water falls of NIAGARA, the crew came to a conclusion that course be set to NIAGARA. Being students and running on a tight budget as most graduate students do Om, Ogo and Jhinga decided to invite more people, first to make the trip more exciting and to cut down on the final cost.

Om suggested Mr. Microsoft and Snorex

The Provisions:

A battlefield scenario emerged in preparation for the trip As Flour covered the floor, spices engulfed the air, the kitchen resembled the insides interior of a battle tank, Mr. X was the pint sized man in the ammo roOm who quickly reloaded the ammo or chapathi in to the cannon which was manned by ogo, as jhinga took station at the takkali(tomato) chutney rifle and Microsoft well coordinated. As this well engineered machine cranked out shell after shell Om snored away in the bed room, 4 hours, 2 kilos of dough, 12 tomatoes and 2 liters of sweat later 110 poories were packed.

as the clock struck midnight everyone was forced to hit the sack….zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

2 am beep beep beep beep beep

Om: Abay yaar
Damn its late
Guys wake up

Ogo: Abay jhinge go for bath

Jhinga: I will bath in the Niagara directly…. You guys go ahead

OM : I am going, Ogo you next after me not with me :)

3 am

As everyone got into the car, Om started the car and screeched the tires …..the adrenaline rushing from smell of burnt rubber in the air and the sadistic pleasure derived from seeing terrified faces in the back seat…and finally uttering the holy word they embarked on their journey.

The designations for the trip were as follows: Ogo the navigator; Jhinga the entertainer and Microsoft the patient listener and snooooore snoooooooore x performed his job to perfection….. sleeping!


The progress bar showed as follows

0 hours 0 miles snoreeeex sleeping
2 hours 120 miles Microsoft as shuts down
4 hours 240 miles Jhinga buzzes away.
6 hours 350 miles, as they approached the first pitstop the Cedar Point Amusement Park, Om could not control his amazement looking at the distant island filled with roller coasters, thrill rides, and everything “American”. As he approached closer his sight fell on one particular BLUE coaster, with the highest point of the coaster completely shrouded by clouds.

Looking at the coaster OM’s sky-high imagination wondered if the fog was nothing but souls that left the body of the people at the highest too scared of going on the ride, but was suddenly distracted by the cacophonous Jhinga distributing the pooris in poori-wala style....and even though the pooris were not warm, the weary Om felt that these were the best pooris he had ever tasted.
The time finally came and pirates finally entered the treasure island, as they looted the thrills off of each ride, the coveted Moby dick the BLUE ride staggered in front of them, Finally they strapped them selves in, the coaster started its assent with a clicking sound, as the assent continued Om made a startling discovery that the funny thought he had on the ground was true, as the coaster ascended into mist of souls Om could feel his heart try its best to jump out of the throat and make a run for it, stop it i want to get (in a funny tone). as Om was busy struggling to stay focussed, Ogo looked as if he was a monkey strapped to a jet pack being sent into space...Jhinga looked paler than the mist they were heading Om was thinking there was no way he could be more scared.....the next sight stopped his heart.

The 95 degree inclined drop meant we could not see the tracks as we descended the coaster rails.

As the ride continued OM began to thank god as he thought this was gods answer to all the times Om wished for a dragon he could ride on when he was a kid, the whole world transformed in front of him, one turn looked like a swoosh in a jet plane other looked like a free bungee jump off a cliff, Om thought this as close to teleportation he is going to come in his life time.

The next moment that the senses could capture was the seemingly soothing voice of the park employee asking us to get down. The crew realized that all pleasures don’t last forever and with a slightly disappointed look on their faces started off for Niagara, but if dreams could tell what Niagara held for us, snoreeee x would be the first to know as he dozed off the moment he entered the car.

Ogo: Next stop NIAGARA